Winters Family Reunion
Winters Family

The Winters-Scales Family Reunion Website that is So Much More – Read Me First

If you are new to this site,, you might be asking a few questions. “Is this the Winters Family Reunion website?” Response: Yes, it is. “Is this the website where we register for the Winters Family Reunion events?” Response: Yes, it is. Then you might wonder, “Then why is it named TracingLineage instead of “”

Technology Connects family

DNA and Related Technology Connects Family

Panel discussion on how the internet revealed information about past and present relatives. Session and panel discussion from the 45th Annual Lewis family Reunion. Friday, August 13, 2021 discussion on how the internet revealed information about past and present relatives as hosted by Shawn Tate, Lewis Family Reunion president, and Francis Winters descendant. DNA Technology Connects Family.


Using DNA to Overcome Family Search Struggles

You’ve been searching for your family your entire life. You feel a need to know where you came from. It’s just natural. So far, you’ve been unsuccessful. Why not try using DNA to overcome your family search struggle?

Non-Parental Event (NPE)

Non Parental Events – Can be 100% Devastating

A Non Parental Event is when people take DNA tests, and discover the unexpected, an NPE. “NPE” is a genetic genealogy term which simply means a mother, a father or both, are not the biological birth parents. This is a DNA Surprise

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