The Winters-Scales Family Reunion Website that is So Much More – Read Me First

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Winters Family Reunion

The Winters-Scales Family Reunion Website, its So Much More!

If you are new to this site,, you might be asking a few questions. “Is this the Winters-Scales Family Reunion website?” Response: Yes, it is. “Is this the website where we register for the Winters-Scales Family Reunion events?” Response: Yes, it is. Then you might wonder, “Then why is it named TracingLineage instead of “”. Response: I’m glad you asked.

Most reunion websites are boring and are only used during reunion times. They’ll have some information about family history but are limited to a simple paragraph or a summary. If that is the case, and you desire to know more about your families’ history, you’ll have to look elsewhere, and might be disappointed. Your options are limited to attending the family reunion and hoping to find someone there who is knowledgeable and friendly enough to fill you in on the details.

Don’t get me wrong. You’ll have a fantastic time at the family reunion events. So make sure you come! You’ll see and meet relatives; who might look just like you. You’ll laugh and enjoy delicious meals, dance, and maybe even have the time of your life. But, chances are, if knowledge is what you’re after, you might leave with unanswered questions.

Tracing Our Lineage, Really!

As a dedicated Winters-Scales family genealogist and researcher, this is why I created It’s not just a catchy name, but it is what I actually do. I trace our lineage, even back to the 1700s. My goal is to provide context to answer as many questions as I can. Historic questions such as where did we come from, what state are we from, and who were our enslavers? Present questions such as who are our cousins, how are they related, what is our genetic makeup, are we really Indian, and so many more.

So, instead of being a static website, TracingLineage is a dynamic website containing the context of my research. It is constantly updated with blogs such as this one; especially, as I discover new information. And thanks to DNA matches, I’m learning more and more all the time. And to answer that last question, yes we are of indigenous American (Indian) descent. Where is it from? Sorry, you’ll have to read the blogs.

Our family Facebook group is called “Descendants and Genealogy of James Winters & Senora Scales“, which can be accessed here. However, it’s limited to family members only, for privacy reasons.

Then you might ask, “Well, what if I want to know about a side of my family that is NOT related to you, the Winters or Scales?”. Response: I’m here to help; it’s what I do! Check out my section created just for that purpose here. Finally, you might ask, “That sounds great, but how much will it cost? Response: There is no cost. I’m here to serve, but it’s on a first-come, first-served basis.

Future Website Content

I am looking into new ways to use this site. Maybe even add an Upload Your Photos section, a Featured Cousin section, a video interview section, and the ability to have any of you create a blog. Who knows? So, please read through the blogs, and if you have a question or comment, please let me know. You can use the comment section below.

Also, please subscribe to this site so that you will receive updates on new blogs, Reunion activities, photos, pages, and more!

Here to Serve,

Leonard Mixon

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Picture of Leonard Mixon

Leonard Mixon

I'm a people person and nothing says people like genealogy. I also have a passion for history, and when you combine the two, there I am. Family history.

More importantly there is nothing like discovering living relatives from descendants that you didn't even know existed.

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