Sampling of Winters Family DNA
To trace our lineage, I have multiple Winters family kits that I manage or access on DNA. My Uncle Edward is a generation closer to our ancestors, so I used his AncestryDNA as a reference for this chart; he is indicated in purple.
Always DNA test the oldest living family member possible because 90% of the time, living descendants from the previous generation will yield greater, and closer results. They are closer to Ground Zero, the birth of our ancestors.
The chart starts with my great-great-grandfather, James Alexander Winters, born in 1843. It shows that there are DNA matches to his sister Annette Winters, and his brother Alexander Winters. Alexander only had one known daughter, Francis Winters, 1892-1962. All of them were born in Mississippi, but Alexander and Francis were not brought to Texas due to slavery.
There are hundreds of matches throughout the DNA test results and I’ve matched as many as I could identify and placed them in our Family Tree. I still have a ways to go.
The chart is limited to only show one or two DNA references for each branch in order to illustrate the family connection. An example of this is that for Nelson Winters’ branch, my Uncle has 15 DNA matches alone.
The top of the chart starts with the oldest generation, then goes down to the living descendants. The names of deceased relatives are shown, but living people are marked as private.
Use your phone/device to enlarge the chart’s image.